Training In Ayurveda Medicine

MedVaidya training prepares you to practice independently in your own practice, in a group practice or in a clinic. It imparts the knowledge and skills to practice Ayurvedic preventive medicine and to diagnose and treat acute and chronic pathologies according to Ayurveda at primary care level. It provides a solid foundation for further specialization in Ayurveda.

The difference between the professions of practitioners and of physicians holding a MedVaidya diploma is described at the end of the page. 

MedVaidya combines two major areas of study:

  • Ayurvedic medicine
  • The foundations of modern medicine

A complete diploma course, accessible to all (subject to prerequisites), leading to two diplomas.

MedVaidya diploma in Ayurveda medicine

  • Is granted by SwissMed School after successful completion of the six modules (MV1 – MV6)
  • Validates the professional training in Ayurveda medicine for physicians and for international students
  • Is a prerequisite for the federal diploma of Naturopath in Ayurveda medicine

The Swiss federal diploma of Naturopath in Ayurveda medicine

  • Is granted by OdA AM* upon a successful Higher Professional Exam after 2 years of monitored clinical practice M7 (for which the MedVaidya diploma prepares)
  • Is recognized by the Swiss healthcare system and reimbursed by supplementary insurance for practitioners and physicians licensed to practice in Switzerland

 * Organization of the world of work Alternative Medicine (responsible for the regulation, validation and issuing of the federal diploma)

Duration of training

  • Minimum 4 years and 3 months without federal diploma.
  • Minimum 6 1/2 years with federal diploma.
  • 7636 periods for future practitioners (2246 periods of online and onsite classroom, 600 periods of practical training, 1730 periods of interactive e-teaching, 3060 periods of guided supervised personal training)

Persons with medical or paramedical training can be exempted from all or part of the foundations of modern medicine and transversal classes. For further information, please contact us.

The MedVaidya training is composed of three parts:

  • Ayurvedic medicine
  • Fundamentals of modern medicine  
  • Professional practice (transversal classes)

Course of the training

The learning process goes through successive steps for an optimal result.

High quality training material is provided for interactive online work in preparation for the classroom courses, during which the subject matter is deepened, among other things by peer-teaching.

Afterwards, the student works on the learned content with the help of guided and supervised assignments (theoretical and practical) and self-studies for the exams. This prepares the student for the onsite seminars, where the matter is further developed in an applied manner.


  • Sufficient knowledge of English (B2) to follow a professional training
  • A high school diploma or a vocational / professional diploma
  • The assurance of being able to travel once a year to India for a 3-week stay and once a year to the place of the regional seminar for 7 – 10 days.
  • The availability of a computer or a tablet with camera and microphone and a good internet connection to follow the e-teaching, the virtual classes and the e-workshops.

The Four Fields Of Action


E-Classes and E-Workshops in presence of teachers

E-Teaching with mentors

Theory and applied


Personal work and study
Theory and practice

At home, free schedule
Partly online interactive mentoring


Intensive Regional seminar
Applied and practical

Onsite training


Intensive seminar in India
Applied and practical

Onsite training

Three Teaching Methods

Interactive E-teaching

In connection with other students and mentors, to prepare for future classes. This is the flipped classroom system.

Virtual Classroom

Regular live, interactive online classroom sessions and e-workshops with peer-instruction and master lectures.

Onsite Classes

During the yearly intensive seminars from second year in India (3 weeks), from fist year regionally (5 – 8 days).

Training modules

MODULE CODE CONTENT PERIODS including personal work
MVP Preparatory course 102 periods
MV1 Basics of modern medicine 2000 periods
MV2 Ayurvedic medicine 4506 periods
MV3 Health and ethics 60 periods
MV4 Practitioner work 352 periods
MV5 Business leadership and management 118 periods
MV6 Practical training 600 periods
Total MedVaidya Training 7636 periods



Each module is concluded by an examination or evaluation (MV6) and is certifying. The complete training is concluded with the MedVaidya diploma. For the federal diploma, the final validation of modules MV1 and MV2 will be done by exams at the level of OdA AM.

MedVaidya Diploma

The MedVaidya Diploma in Ayurveda Medicine is obtained when all six modules MV1 to MV6 (the latter of at least 600 h) have been successfully completed, subject to equivalence or validation of prior learning.

Federal diploma

The school certificates for modules MV1 and MV2 give access to the M1 and M2 examinations of OdA AM for official validation.

School certificates for modules MV3 to MV6 (the latter of at least 600 hours give direct access to OdA AM certificates of the modules M3 to M6.

Recognition of prior learning

Prior learning can be recognized by the school on the basis of a study of the candidate’s file according to OdA AM criteria.


Trained physicians and other health practitioners with a MedVaidya diploma

  • can integrate Ayurveda in his/her clinical practice in the form of integrative medicine
  • will most likely delegate the practice of manual treatment techniques to therapists working under their supervision
  • will be able to handle more advanced clinical situations with patients under complex chemical medications
  • will more likely go for specialized training and work in secondary and tertiary health care
  • are destined to be in charge of centers of Ayurveda and integrative medicine
  • will lead or participate in research projects in the field of Ayurveda

Practitioners in Ayurveda with a MedVaidya diploma

  • will more likely work as primary health care practitioners
  • will practice manual treatment techniques on their own or in collaboration with therapists
  • will more likely prepare individualized ayurvedic formulations for the patients in their clinic
  • will be in charge of Ayurveda clinics or teams with therapists working under their supervision
  • can go for specialized training and be part of a team working in the field of secondary and tertiary health care
  • can participate in research projects in the field of Ayurveda