Module MV6 – Practical training

The practical training in a clinical internship is the culminating point of the MedVaidya program, where the knowledge and skills of all previous modules converge to a logic synthesis. Regular interactions with teachers, doctors and patients – during in- and out-patient consultations and follow-ups under the direct supervision of a mentor – allow the practical observation and application of the learnt. Manual treatments and preparation of individual formulations are part of the practice. Only after the practical training, the student is ready to start working in a clinical setting under mentoring.

MV6 is consistent with guidelines for the M6 module of OdA AM. The M6 module is a prerequisite for obtaining the federal diploma in ayurvedic medicine.

300 – 600 periods
after the end of the MV2 module
  • After the last seminar in India, provided that all the exams of 4th year have been passed successfully,
  • MV6 can be partially or fully completed before the final exam of module MV2, which takes place several months after the end of the 4th year, and which prepares students for the M2 exam under OdA AM.

Training structure

300 – 600 periods

Practical training periods

300 - 600 periods

Including on site personal work

600 h required

for the Swiss federal diploma

for the MedVaidya diploma for non-physicians

300 h required

for the MedVaidya diploma for doctors
who do not wish to go for the federal diploma

* 1 period = 50 minutes

On-site training in a partner institution of SwissMed School in India and/or Switzerland
This internship is not meant for work but for practical training with patients in the real professional environment.



Two options: full-time or part-time

Full-time practical training

At the school's partner institutions in India
600 practical training periods


in 1 x 3 months

600 periods

75 days

of 8 periods


in 2 x 1.5 months

2 x 300 periods

2 x 37.5 days

of 8 periods


in 3 x 1 month

3 x 200 periods

3 x 25 days

of 8 periods

Period: 5th year of training

Part-time practical training

In the school's partner institutions in Switzerland as per availability
600 practical training periods


in 9.5 months

600 periods

2 days per week


in 7.5 months

600 periods

2.5 days per week


in 6 months

600 periods

3 days per week

Period: 5th year of training


  • Module certificate MV6 issued by the school after validation of the training
  • Module certificate M6 issued by the OdA AMafter validation of the module by the school


Individual or small group practical training, personalized. Regular interaction with teachers and/or doctors and practitioners on site. 50% of the work (included in the period count) is refectory and allows the student to deepen his/her knowledge, to document him/herself, to study files and to realize the bridge between theory and practice.


On-site training (hospital or practice) in India, Switzerland, or a combination of India and Switzerland

Description of the module

The purpose of the module MV6 is to apply, to deepen, to meditate and to perfect the theoretical contents in practice.

Overview of the course

During the internship the student

  • attends outpatient consultations and accompanies the doctors in charge during inpatient rounds
  • follows certain patients and cases closely and over time and discusses the cases with the internship supervisors
  • practices observing and examining patients and formulating diagnoses and treatment strategies and plans
  • practices formulating prescriptions and explaining the rules of administration
  • participates in the preparation of individual formulations and medicinal preparations for the external administration of therapeutic products through manual care
  • participates in the administration of manual care